Monday, November 2, 2009

He says it Himself.

In church on Sunday, the Pastor said there are twenty couples that have been married longer than fifty years in the congregation. He said that is 2,000 years of marriage between them all. Everyone clapped.

There is something beautiful about a long marriage. I am always encouraged in my Christian faith when people announce things like that. I'm not sure why... maybe its the actions of a Christian being lived out in a marriage....maybe it is because marriage is supposed to symbolize Christ and his Church, and its nice when the two stay together.

"I hate divorce," says the Lord God of Israel (Malachi 2:16).

He says it himself. Its in the Bible.

I don't think Christians should get divorced, except on the grounds of one spouse being unfaithful. Its in the Bible in Matthew and in 1 Corinthians 7 as well.

I'm blessed to come from a family where divorce is almost unheard of. My second cousin got a divorce, and it really affected our whole family. I say this, not to boast on the fact that my family should be put on a pedestal, but because it is proof that people can work through their problems and stay together.

My mom said divorce was never an option. When she and my Dad got married, she said divorce wasn't even a plan B, a plan C, a plan D, it just wasn't an option. She made it a point to never even joke about divorce. They've had their arguments, and they fight sometimes. But no divorce.

That kind of attitude is very Christ-like, I think. For those among the Christian throng that are not outspoken evangelicals, marriage is a powerful example of Christ. Living a life that honors and loves a spouse is a loud voice in today's society. Show the world a beautiful marriage and you show them a bit of Christ.

1 comment:

  1. I like your last thoughts . . . a beautiful marriage shows the world the reality of Christ.

    I have three sisters and one brother, and all of them are divorced and remarried. They all made stupid decisions in marrying the persons they married. They weren't living as Christians, which is probably why they ended up like they did.

